Text. Rank. Recall.

Text your ideas. Rank them over time. Recall the best ones!

galaxi.me demo GIF

Frequently asked questions

How do I get started?

Simply send a text message to: +17755225513 or send a message on Telegram to @galaxi_me_bot with an idea and automated responses will walk you through the whole process!

How often will I be asked to rank an idea?

About every two days. You can adjust frequency via the settings command.

What commands are available?

"search your query here"

Returns case-insensitive substring matches of your query.

"best ideas"

Returns your best ideas based on rankings over time.

"all ideas"

Returns a link to all your ideas in a webpage. You may also mark ideas as completed and delete ideas on this webpage


Returns a link to a webpage where you can adjust your settings like timezone and text frequency.

Currently, no. A singular message is considered a singular idea by our algorithm. Make sure to keep this in mind as you text!

Yes there is! Just text "all ideas" to galaxi and you will get a link to login and explore all your ideas.

What does it cost?

Free to user. With the offer of $9 lifetime license to support hosting costs.